
How To Effectively Use Online Whiteboard For Teaching

In today’s digital revolution, whiteboards for schools have become an integral part of modern education. Online whiteboard further proved to be a useful tool during the Covid-19 pandemic- when teaching online took place in many countries. So how can we effectively use online whiteboards for teaching? Here is the answer!

Whiteboards Provide An Interactive Approach To Learning

Knowledge is the most valuable resource in which one should constantly invest. From the first school days, children develop their intellectual abilities, learn new skills – and acquire new views of the world, which are the basis for later progress in life.

What they learn in school will be their career advantage – and teachers and professors are the main guides in this process. In order to be able to motivate children not only to learn but also to work independently –  the teaching approach is also very important.

Instead of dry, declaratively adopted material – the latest, interactive techniques in education should be applied. Online whiteboard is just one of such techniques, that is, tools that we can apply.

How To Use Whiteboards For Effective Teaching?

●    Use them to stimulate motivation in students

The use of an online whiteboard, which is also known as a smartboard or interactive multimedia board – turns traditional and reproductive lecturing into interactive teaching that meets the educational needs of the modern student. This type of teaching provides better motivation for students and improves their attention.

How is this achieved?

Simply, thanks to the fact that students in this type of teaching can be more active, instead of being focused on taking notes. The use of different sources of knowledge greatly enriches the content of teaching – and contributes to the development of functional abilities of students.

●    A whiteboard will provide you with a number of various functions

The use of an online whiteboard allows the teacher to use documents from different programs on the desktop when creating teaching materials. You can also use features such as highlighting, text magnification, and other features that are used to focus on important content. It will also allow the teacher to save all changes made during the lecture – or keep the presentation in its original form.

●    They can be customized to the needs of students

Using an online whiteboard is great because it is flexible and it can be changed according to the needs of students. On such boards, with the help of so-called pencils or fingers, you can circle, write or draw various shapes that can be easily recognized – and with simple movements, you can arrange the given elements on the surface, which is especially useful in schematic representations.

●    Whiteboards are multifunctional tools

This is a very important aspect of teaching. Namely, not only can you write on them, but they also allow you to upload pre-prepared material. In that way, teaching becomes more interesting, and the adoption of new material is faster and easier.

●    They will help you to achieve the highest form of interaction

Since the students are inspired to work, a discussion develops between them – so all ideas can be noted or posted on the board. Later, they can be grouped and lead to the best solution.

●    They increase the quality of education

Using a whiteboard for teaching increases the quality of education. As a result, a better final learning outcome was obtained – that is, students show greater engagement in acquiring the necessary knowledge that they will apply in further education and work.


The introduction of an interactive electronic whiteboard in teaching makes lectures and the learning process more attractive, dynamic, and meaningful. It enables teachers to be more creative – and it facilitates the process of storing, modifying, and forwarding materials to students. On the other hand, it helps students become more fully involved in the learning process. Students no longer have to worry about notes or try to maintain attention – because, in this way, their motivation for active participation is encouraged.

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