
Top 10 Reasons To Buy Travel Insurance

  1. What happens if you misplace your luggage while taking a common carrier to a foreign country?

Imagine yourself having just gotten off a flight and discovering that your luggage was delayed owing to an airline error and has not yet arrived.  Would you be willing to pay for the groceries, clothes, and essentials you need to acquire since your luggage was delayed?

  1. What if an accident results in a dental injury?

Although dental care in other countries is fairly expensive if you were to sustain an accident and hurt your teeth, your travel insurance for the USA from India would pay for immediate pain relief.

  1. What if urgent repatriation is necessary?

Who would you ask to take the body back home in the terrible case of passing away and resulting from severe unintentional injuries? And who would act on behalf of the insured if he or she were to go alone?

  1. What if you must be evacuated and hospitalised in an emergency?

Where will you go to get medical care if you accidentally hurt yourself, especially in a foreign nation? Your international travel insurance company would provide financial assistance to you to meet your hospitalisation costs, medical charges, and evacuation costs.

  1. In the event of accidental passing away or permanent disability brought on by accidents while travelling

Such unpleasant incidents can occur even if you go for a short time. Any occurrence of the insured’s passing away or permanent disability while travelling on a common carrier, such as a bus, rail, or aeroplane, would be covered.

  1. In the event that your aeroplane is hijacked, what will you do?

Your travel insurance from India provider would cover the loss or damage you incurred in the event of a hijack attempt or imprisonment aboard the aircraft.  The sum insured would be the basis for the claim.

  1. Trip cancellation and modification

For any traveller, this occurrence breaks their heart the most.  However, your insurance company will reimburse you if your flight or trip is delayed or cancelled due to an airline emergency or error.

  1. Personal liability insurance

You might get into a lot of trouble if you cause any loss or harm to a third party in a foreign country. However, if you have third-party coverage through travel insurance for the USA from India plan, you would be spared from the monetary and legal difficulties.

  1. What if a burglary occurred while you were away from home?

Travel insurance coverage is quite beneficial if you wish to be covered for a home invasion. It will protect you from any loss or damage brought on by a break-in attempt while you are away during the policy period.

  1. What if you require immediate financial assistance?

Who will you turn to for assistance if you experience theft, even on a brief trip, and you manage to lose all of your cash and credit cards? International travel insurance serves as more of a friend in this situation, providing you with cash in case of emergency in a foreign country.

Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.

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